Throw that salt shaker away! Get creative using other herbs and spices to liven up your meals. Your diet should be centered around whole plant foods to bring your blood pressure down.
Ground flaxseed is one of the most potent blood-pressure lowering foods, adding 1-2 tablespoons daily is ideal. Raw vegetables are protective but cooked is also good if that's the way you prefer them. Hibiscus tea is also heart protective so try to have that daily as well as three servings of whole grains each day to get even more blood-pressure-lowering benefit. Please make sure they are whole grains such as oats, barley, whole wheat, and brown rice. Refined grains like white flour and white rice actually increase the risk of heart disease. Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and other plant foods should make up the largest part of your diet, along with a significant reduction of trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol. All of our body systems are closely linked and when impairment in one area is evident, it's pretty likely other systems are showing dysfunction. I advise a full assessment to pinpoint what body systems need support but changing your diet in the ways I have suggested is a great start.