Anxiety is caused by the release of the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol. The first step to reducing anxiety is to balance your blood sugar so your body is not relying on your hormones for energy. Next, try to be concious of your stress level and use breathing exercises, meditation, yoga and/or counselling to help reduce anxiety.
Gamma amino butric acid (GABA) is the main calming neurotransmitter. It reduces excess adrenalin, noradrenalin, dopamine and effects seratonin. GABA is also an amino acid and supplementing it can help normalize levels in the brain. Taurine is another relaxing amino acid and is used for treating insomnia, and depression. Kava has been used for anxiety and it relaxes both emotions and muscles, making it useful for tesion headaches and other muscle tension caused by stress. Valerian has been called nature's valium and is another excellent anti-anxiety herb. It is also useful to releave restlessness, nervousness, and insomnia. Valerian has a sedative effect so don't take if you are taking medications such as muscle relaxants, or antihistamines, and consult a doctor before taking with other prescribed medications. Passionflower was made into relaxing drinks by the Aztecs and it has a mild sedative effect that helps with anxiety. Finally, magnesium is another important nutrient that can help you relax your mind and muscles. Magnesium deficiency is often found in anxious people, so supplementation is recommended.
Even though the causes of high levels of anxiety are often psychological, by regulating blood sugar, reducing stress, ensuring optimal nutrition and supplementing with natural anti-anxiety herbs and nutrients, you can break the body's habit of reacting to stress with anxiety and fear.